This will be free form, I think, with anything I care to bitch about. I will most likely swear quite a bit, so be forewarned.

    I am increasingly distressed by the vast numbers of religious people I see during the day. Frankly, religious people frighten me. I cannot even begin to conceive of being so incredibly stupid as to accept the bullshit these people eat daily. And what's even more frightening, is that some of then are not complete cretins. And yet, they still buy it. And very few people do research, and THEN become religious, except for the very very very stupid. So we must assume, that these people are assuming this as basic reality, by default, as it were.
    I mean, crazy people, or stupid people, I can understand, but people of average intelligence or above buying this obvious load of shit is scary. To give you an example, I'm going to list a few theist pages, that may amuse, or anger you, or frighten you. If nothing else, they'll give you something to do while your porn loads.

Yes, I know, there are so many more. But many of them will go on my "Insane Person of the Week" section.

    Have you ever looked into someone's eyes, to see into them, to try to understand their complexities, only to realize they have none? Do you ever see people wandering around, mouth slightly open, only becoming alert when they realize they are drooling on themselves? I see that from time to time. That "time to time" being whenever I step outside and look around at people. The world is full of these people. They are the stupid.
    The sort of people that look at someone who has obviously locked their keys in their car, and say "You lock your keys in your car?" They should be glad that persons car is locked up nice and tight, because if it weren't, the person would grab their tire iron and beat the stupid person's skull into a nice concave shape.
    I remember someone knocking on my door at about 7:00 one sunday morning. I looked out the window and saw a person holding a bible. So I walked upstairs, still in my underwear, with morning wood, and opened the door wide, and said "whatthefuggdoyouwant?" ... I may have belched. I think that was as far as the conversation went, though.

    Just let that be a lesson to all who wake me up early, let alone to preach to me.